Dr. Derrick Wong

Dr. Derrick Wong

General Dentist

Hometown: Chandler, TX.

First Job I ever had: Andy's Frozen Custard for 6 years :)

Why did you decide on the dental field? When I was ten years old, I was diagnosed with Morphea, an autoimmune-like syndrome that targets connective tissue (bones, muscle, ligaments, etc). That really changed the shape of my face and no one could really fix it until a team of dental specialist worked together to give me the best smile I could have with the situation I was in. Working with them and hearing their encouragement really propelled me to want to do the same for other people!

Hobbies: My wife, any sport (especially soccer and disc golf), hiking, woodworking, drawing, painting.

Interests: My wife, TV shows, shoes, cars, food.

What is something people don't know about you? I've traveled to 30 different national parks! Bones: I don't have lateral incisors.

What is your favorite food? Noodles.

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