
Fixed Dentures


If you have lost an entire arch of teeth (top and/or bottom), or are soon to have your remaining teeth removed because they are too unhealthy to save, you may be able to replace them with fixed dentures supported by dental implants.

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Oral Cancer


Cancer is a scary word, but the more you know about it, the better able you will be to protect yourself and the ones you love. This is particularly true of oral cancer, which is very treatable if caught early.

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Dental Implants FAQs


What are dental implants? Dental implants are small titanium posts that replace the roots of missing teeth. They are inserted into your jawbone during a minor surgical procedure that takes place in the dental office.

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Preventive Dentistry


You’ve no doubt heard it said that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. In dentistry, you might say it’s worth two pounds. Maybe even thousands of dollars. That’s because dental problems can become exponentially more expensive.

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Bone Grafting


Replacement teeth supported by dental implants function so well and last so long because, like natural teeth, they are securely anchored in the jawbone for maximum support.

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Bad Breath


Bad Breath, or halitosis, is an embarrassing problem that affects millions. To combat it, many people use breath mints, chewing gum, sprays and mouthwashes. In fact, Americans spend billions of dollars each year on these products.

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Diabetes & Oral Health


Diabetes is a group of chronic inflammatory diseases that affect the body’s ability to process sugar. If you have diabetes, it is particularly important to maintain excellent oral health.

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