Periodontal Disease in San Antonio, TX

What is periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease is when the gums around the tooth become diseased. Plaque, the sticky white substance that forms around the teeth, harbors bacteria that cause the gums to peel away from the tooth. When plaque moves under the gums, it calcifies into tartar, which is also full of bacteria. The body's response to this bacteria and the enzymes produced by the bacteria can dissolve the bone, leading to full-on periodontal disease.

What are the symptoms of periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease often has no symptoms until it has progressed significantly. As the gums peel away from the tooth, abnormal tissue grows inside the gums, which does not reattach to the tooth. This process is usually painless, allowing the disease to worsen unnoticed. By the time pain occurs, the disease is often too advanced for effective treatment, making regular dental check-ups crucial for early detection and management.

What other conditions are connected to periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease is connected to various systemic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, early Alzheimer's, and birth defects. This underscores the importance of oral health, as the mouth is the gateway to the entire body. Healthy gums are foundational to overall well-being.

Can periodontal disease be cured?

Unfortunately, periodontal disease cannot be cured. However, it can go into remission with proper maintenance, much like cancer. Regular dental visits and appropriate care can keep the disease in check, but neglecting oral health can lead to a relapse, often more severe than before.

What treatment options are available for fighting periodontal disease?

Early detection of periodontal disease allows for less invasive treatments. This might involve deeper cleanings, sometimes requiring numbing. In severe cases, treatments aim to regrow lost bone to prevent tooth loss. The earlier the disease is caught, the less intensive the treatment required.

Are teeth cleaning and periodontal treatment painful?

In most cases, periodontal treatments are not painful. Specialized processes, including special rinses, tools that reduce sensitivity, and lasers, ensure that patients can receive the necessary treatment comfortably.

How can I schedule a dental appointment?

If you notice signs of gum disease, such as bleeding gums or bad breath, it's essential to schedule a dental appointment. You can call our office at (210) 972-0768 to get an assessment of your gums and determine the best treatment. Our office measures your gums at every cleaning appointment to catch any early signs of gum disease and address them promptly.

Periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss but is entirely preventable with proper care and early detection. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call (210) 972-0768.