Dental Filling in San Antonio, TX

What are dental fillings?

A dental filling is used when someone has a cavity in a tooth. A cavity is where the bacteria in our mouth has started to eat away at the tooth, leaving it in a decayed state. Dentists drill into the tooth to remove the cavity, which leaves a hole. To fill this hole, a filling is placed to build the tooth back up to its normal shape and size, restoring it as if nothing had happened. Fillings can also be used if someone breaks their tooth or has wear on their tooth. Tooth-colored fillings can be used to make the tooth look as if it was never damaged.

Can fillings be avoided?

In general, yes, fillings can be avoided. Cavities, which necessitate fillings, are preventable through regular flossing and brushing routines. Using toothpaste that repairs and strengthens teeth can also help prevent cavities. Regular dental check-ups and hygiene visits are crucial in preventing cavities. However, fillings may be unavoidable in cases of accidents or trauma, though using mouth guards or night guards can help protect the teeth in high-risk situations.

Can dentists do tooth fillings without drilling?

In some cases, yes. If the decay is very early, a sealant can be placed over it to seal it off, causing the bacteria to die due to lack of oxygen and nutrients. However, in most cases, drilling is necessary. When drilling is required, the area is numbed to reduce discomfort and ensure the patient is comfortable throughout the procedure.

What are the different types of fillings in dentistry?

The most common types of fillings are silver fillings and tooth-colored fillings. Silver fillings have been around for decades and are known for their longevity, but they contain mercury, which is toxic. Many practices, including ours, no longer use silver fillings. Tooth-colored fillings are now preferred, and there are various types available. The type used depends on the patient's needs, such as those prone to decay or needing a filling that blends naturally with the tooth. We customize our approach to ensure the best results for the patient.

Does a dental filling procedure hurt?

In the right hands, a dental filling procedure does not hurt. Most patients will be numbed for the procedure, and any pain felt is usually from the shot. Special techniques and anesthetics are used to make the numbing process comfortable. Once numb, the patient will not feel any pain during the filling procedure, ensuring a comfortable experience.

Can I brush my teeth after getting a tooth filling?

After getting a tooth filling, there are a few initial instructions to follow, but they are simple. Once the numbness wears off, you can resume all normal activities, including flossing and brushing. You can eat and drink normally, and the restored tooth is ready for regular use.

Do dental fillings need to be replaced?

Dental fillings are not a permanent solution and will need to be replaced eventually. Maintaining good oral hygiene by flossing and brushing can extend the life of a filling. The seal of the filling can wear down over time, allowing bacteria to form a new cavity underneath. On average, a filling lasts about seven to ten years, but this can be longer with proper care. Regular dental visits can help reinforce the seal and prolong the filling's lifespan.

How much does a tooth filling cost?

The cost of a tooth filling ranges from $85 to $500, depending on the size of the cavity and the required protection for the tooth. The smaller the cavity, the less the cost. Prompt treatment is advisable to avoid higher costs.

When should I schedule a dental appointment if I think I might need a filling?

If you notice discoloration in your tooth or feel sensitivity to cold, hot, or sweet foods, schedule a dental appointment immediately. Early treatment prevents bigger problems and higher costs. Contact our office for prompt scheduling to address any issues efficiently. Call our office at (210) 972-0768. We look forward to taking care of you.