Preventive Dentistry in San Antonio, TX

How often should I visit the dentist for regular checkups?

The minimum we like to see is every six months. The reason every six months became the recommended interval is because, in a traditionally healthy dental patient, it takes about six months for the bacteria in your mouth to fully repopulate to its pre-cleaning levels. This six-month interval helps us keep bacteria under control, which means it helps us prevent and manage disease.

What treatments do you offer to strengthen teeth?

In our practice, we offer hydroxyapatite and fluoride to remineralize and strengthen teeth. Most people are familiar with fluoride, which has long been used in dentistry to help remineralize teeth and make them more acid-resistant, thus preventing disease or decay. It's important to understand that while sugar is often blamed for cavities, it's actually the bacteria in our mouth that consume sugar and produce acid, which then decays and rots our teeth. Fluoride helps make teeth more resistant to this acid. Hydroxyapatite is another beneficial mineral that we use; it's actually what our enamel is made of. By introducing it to the teeth, we can help remineralize them and make them more resistant to breakdown.

What are some ways to prevent tooth decay?

One of the best ways to prevent tooth decay is through a consistent home hygiene routine and a balanced diet. I understand that diets can be challenging—I myself enjoy candies and drinks that aren't ideal for dental health—but it's about moderation and how you care for your teeth afterward. For example, I enjoy sour candies, chips, and sodas, but when I'm done consuming them, I rinse my mouth out. I don't immediately brush my teeth, as that can brush in the acids. Instead, I rinse or chew gum to neutralize the acid and prevent it from sitting on my teeth for too long. Additionally, using fluoride and hydroxyapatite in mouth rinses and toothpaste can bolster your home care routine. We can prescribe toothpaste containing these elements so you can continue to repair and strengthen your teeth daily.

Why do you take x-rays during dental appointments, and are they safe?

It's common for us to take x-rays once a year during your appointment. We use them as a screening tool to catch any developing issues early. A frequent concern is the safety of x-rays due to radiation exposure. With advancements in dental technology, the radiation dose is now significantly lower. Our office uses digital x-rays, which have been shown to emit the least amount of radiation—much less than what you would receive from being out in the sun. We prioritize patient safety and health, which is why we use the latest technology with the lowest radiation levels.

How important is flossing in dental care?

Flossing is crucial for preventing gum disease and removing debris between your teeth, which also helps prevent tooth decay. Staying on top of gum disease involves regular cleanings to remove bacteria, plaque, and tartar. Plaque and tartar are the precursors to gum disease, which can be indicated by bleeding gums. If you notice bleeding, it may mean gum disease is starting to form, so it's important to address it promptly.

I hope this information on preventive care was informative and helpful for you. The best thing to do is call our office at (210) 972-0768 to set up an appointment for your routine cleaning and exam. You can also request an appointment and find more information on preventive care at Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to seeing you soon.